Czech Historical News Sources
Česká digitální knihovna allows for keyword search across publications, incl. many newspapers present in all Czech digital libraries funded by the government (work-in-progress to be completed by the end of 2022). All digital libraries utilizing the government-sponsored Kramerius platform are listed here [see also Kramerius 3 for materials not yet in the latest Kramerius 5]. Note that noviny a časopisy are grouped together and the English interface shows this grouping as newspapers. Periodicals which are older than 110 years are available remotely.
Registr Digitalizacie allows for a title, title keyword, author, etc. (no full-text) searches across most digital libraries in the Czech Republic.
Additional digital libraries:
Digitalizovaný archiv časopisů (Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR)
Several dozens of 19th-20th century Czech newspapers and magazines.Digitální knihovna Národního filmového archivu
Included are film and cinematography periodicals, newspapers, journals, newsletters of film professional unions and associations published on the territory of today’s Czech Republic (1903-2016) in Czech and German.Digitální knihovna Akademie věd ČR
236 (150 are accessible remotely) periodicals, incl. many newspapers.Kompletní elektronická verze časopisu Západ (1979-1993)
The socio-political and cultural review was published by the Collegium Bohemicum in Ottawa, Canada.Libri prohibiti (aka
A collection of Czech and Slovak exile (1948–2008) and samizdat (1960–1989) publications, including newspapers and magazines.
Stránky archivu vysílání české redakce Rádia Vatikán (1950-1992)
Transcripts of the Czech broadcasts of Radio Vatican.
Online catalogs & bibliographies