Romanian Historical News Sources



  • TBD


  • Expoziţii virtuale - Digital Exhibitions (National Library of Romania) 
    Contains a three-part exhibit on “Romania in the First War: 1916, 1917, 1918,” which includes 104 black-and-white photographs and front pages of several newspapers. An exhibit on "The Campaigns of the Romanian Army: The Reunification War, 1916-1919" includes and additional 15 contemporary black-and-white photographs taken by official photographers.

Online catalogs & bibliographies

  • Bibliografia periodicelor din România, 1790-1952 (Library of the Romanian Academy in collaboration with the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest)
    Searchable, online version of the 5-volume retrospective ntional bibliography of Romanian periodical publications (newspapers, magazines, journals). The fifth and final volume (1930-1952) is in the process of being digitized.

  • Newspapers in the Old Romanian periodicals collection (Romanian National Library)
    Alphabetical lists (A-O and P-Z) of historical newspapers from the pre- and interwar periods, some of which are available in near complete runs.